When Frank Mondi began his career as a science teacher, LBJ was in the Oval Office.
Martin Lenkowsky
Martin Lenkowsky
Martin Lenkowsky moved to Coral Springs from NYC in 1982. He has a bachelor’s degree from Brooklyn College. He has been both writer and editor for a number of South Florida publications since 1983. He considers features writing his specialty.
Feathered Friends Find Refuge After Woman’s Home Becomes Duck Sanctuary
The simple phrase ” Thou shalt not kill” is undoubtedly the most recognizable—and sadly not always obeyed—commandment. Margate resident Eunice Sivertsen has …
The City Margate will hold a special Memorial Day Ceremony to pay tribute to the brave men and women who have sacrificed …
Applications For Margate’s College Scholarships Due May 24
The city of Margate is partnering with Republic Services to present the 12th Annual Margate Academic Scholarship Program.
Rock Roots Revealed: Margate Resident Reflects on His Musical Past with Billy Joel in the 60s
Long before Billy Joel became known to the world as the Piano Man, Margate resident Richard McKenna knew him as his fellow …
Margate’s Fall Festival Will Be a Halloween Haven for Kids and Adults
This year’s Margate Fall Festival will be fun for all ages.
Don’t Miss a Bewitching Pre-Halloween Treat for Pets and Harry Potter Fans at Broward’s Humane Society
Animal-loving Harry Potter fans can get a pre-Halloween treat from the Humane Society of Broward County.
Napa Elegance Meets Gourmet Cuisine at The Cook & The Cork Jarvis Wine Dinner
There’s a special event coming for fine food and exquisite wine connoisseurs, especially those partial to the finest cabernet grapes.
Margate Celebrates Halloween at the Annual ‘Trunk or Treat’ Event
Parents looking for a safe, worry-free place to take their little ones trick-or-treating on Halloween, can look no further than Margate City …
Margate’s Fall Festival Will Be a Halloween Haven for Kids and Adults
This year’s Margate Fall Festival will be fun for all ages.
This year’s Margate Fall Festival will be fun for all ages.
The City of Margate Celebrates Halloween at the Annual Trunk or Treat Event
Parents looking for a safe, worry-free place to take their little ones trick-or-treating on Halloween, can look no further than Margate City …
Margate Resident Turned Advocate Hosts Walk Against Human Trafficking
Margate resident Jasmine Gonzalez understands the horror and consequences of sexual abuse. Her mother was sexually abused as a child and suffered …