State Rep. Christine Hunschofsky
From State Rep Christine Hunschofsky:
I want to thank you, the residents of District 96 (soon to be District 95), for your continued support as I am honored and grateful to share with you that I have been re-elected (without opposition) to serve as your State Representative. This is a job that I take very seriously, with the residents of the district (which includes Coconut Creek, Margate, Parkland, and portions of Coral Springs) first and foremost in mind.
As always, please reach out if my team or I may ever be of assistance. We are here to help wherever we can. Additionally, I am now working on legislation for the 2023 session. If you have ideas on legislation that you feel would make a positive difference, please send them my way. By starting early, I have the opportunity to do thorough research and vetting on potential legislation. Since we are limited to filing 6 or 7 bills per session, it’s important to do our homework and give the legislation the best chance of crossing the finish line.
It is so hard to believe that the summer is already slowly coming to an end and that the school year is about to start up again. We are all looking forward to a great 2022-2023 school year! As we prepare to go back to school, the Florida Legislature approved a 14-day Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday this year to help alleviate the cost of school supplies. The sales tax holiday takes place July 25 – August 7, 2022, and covers a whole range of Back-to-School supplies. For a full list of qualifying items, please visit www.floridarevenue.com.
Broward Public School students return to school on August 16, while teachers, administration, and staff go back on August 9. As we head back to school, please be mindful of the school zones and look out for students crossing the road or riding bicycles to get to school. Please allow yourself extra time in the morning so that you are not in a rush and can be fully attentive while driving.
As a mom of two children who are now grown up, I can certainly relate to those of you sending your children off to preschool, kindergarten, or college for the first time. It can be hard. However, be assured that your child can manage the new situation, and more importantly, let them know that you know they can handle it and that you will always be there to support them. I wish everyone a wonderful rest of the summer and a great start to the new school year.
My team and I are always available to help in any way we can. Please reach out to us if we can be of assistance, either via email at HDist096@myfloridahouse.gov or at 954-956-5600.
We have an email newsletter we send out on a regular basis with information about District 96, the legislative process, and the resources that are available. If you would like to be added to our newsletter list, please email us with “subscribe” in the subject line. Additionally, connect with me on social media to receive timely District 96 updates. You can find me on Facebook @RepChristineHunschofsky, Twitter @RepHunschofsky, or Instagram @ChrisHunschofsky.
Looking forward to hearing from you and staying in touch!
Christine Hunschofsky
District 95 includes Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Margate, and Parkland.
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