Preventing Car Break-ins

Auto theft in Coral Springs

By: Sharon Aron Baron

Every city is faced with car break-ins.  Just ask around.  In Coral Springs, some areas are faced with cars being stolen – and there isn’t any particular model car thieves are targeting either.  Other times, they are honing in on Honda Accord wheels which are hot on the secondary market.  

There are a few things that you can do to either thwart a break-in, or possibly identify the suspects who do.

  1. Never leave valuables in your car
  2. Lock your cars at night, if you cannot park in your garage
  3. Light up your house in front and in back at night
  4. Invest in cameras for your exterior – these are relatively inexpensive at Best Buy and work with your wifi
  5. Report anything suspicious and call 911.


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