Be Watchful of Aggressive Raccoons in Area


By: Sharon Aron Baron

As if we don’t have enough wildlife to contend with here in the Woodlands.  Now we have aggressive raccoons.

When I think about raccoons, I think about those furry little guys that get into our garbage and typically run away when they see a human.

Not so, according to Section Two resident Sandy Enriquez who says that aggressive raccoons have attacked two people there.  In one incident, a neighbor was walking his dog when a raccoon came out of nowhere and ran up his leg.  His dog broke free from his leash and then the raccoon tried to go after him.

Unfortunately, the county won’t do anything and the only way we can remove them is to trap them which could cost upwards of $100 she said.

Section Two resident Kevin Muscolino says that an aggressive raccoon tried to attack him the other day but luckily his dogs kept it at bay.  He called the county and they would not send anyone to remove it.   He questioned why they wouldn’t remove these dangerous animals when they send trappers to remove alligators from our canals.

Until we can control the raccoons in the Woodlands, here’s what you can do to keep them at bay:


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